NewsInstagram Influencing Has Long Had A Diversity ProblemThe curated world of Instagram has become a powerful engine for marketing, trendsetting, and even…Amanda GravesApril 16, 2020 3 min
NewsIowa Voted A Racist Out Of CongressSteve King, a Republican from Iowa’s 4th Congressional District , served in the U.S. House of…Edward PhilipsApril 16, 2020 3 min
NewsPeaceful Protesters Were Gassed Outside The White HouseThe right to peaceful assembly is a cornerstone of democratic societies, a fundamental freedom…April 16, 2020 3 min
NewsThere’s One Big Reason Why Police Brutality Is so...The issue of police brutality in the United States is a complex and deeply troubling one. While…April 16, 2020 3 min
NewsWe Still Don't Know Exactly How The Stauffers PlacedThe case of Huxley Stauffer, the adopted child with special needs who was "rehomed" by his adoptive…Edward PhilipsApril 16, 2020 4 min
NewsWe’re Keeping A Running List Of Hoaxes And Misleading...The digital age, while offering unprecedented access to information, has also created a fertile…Edward PhilipsApril 16, 2020 3 min